Undergo the tranformational experience of a BQH or .QHHT® session

Whether you’re seeking to unlock the power of self healing, receive profound information from your guides or realize your lifes purpose, a BQH or QHHT session can assist in getting the answers you seek to help enrich your life and move forward in the best way possible.


  • Consultation- Online

    Let’s connect.

    This 30 minute consultation via ZOOM allows you to get to know Holly, ask questions and ensure BQH/ QHHT is right for you.


    15 to 30 minutes via ZOOM online

  • BQH - Online

    Beyond Quantum Healing.

    Explore your consciousness, meet your Highest Self, Guides or explore past lives to find the root cause of any challenge. This relaxation and immersion session takes you to other dimensions for information, healing and expansion in the comfort of your home or office space.

    $255 USD Introductory pricing

    3 to 5 hours via ZOOM online

  • QHHT - In Person

    Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠

    ... could be the most profound and transformational experience of your life. QHHT® is a journey in consciousness, a pathway to finding that all answers and healing lie within.

    Holly's sessions are held at her office- bungalow deep in the forest of the Ozark Mountains, in Arkansas.

    *Holly may travel to your home or office. Contact for details and additional fees

    Online sessions are not available.

    $333 USD

    3 to 5 hours in-person only

What Can I Expect from a Session?

BQH Sessions are held online or in person. An online session will be conducted via ZOOM in the comfort of your home or office space.

QHHT® sessions are conducted in person, in Holly’s office-bungalow deep in the Ozark Mountains, NE Arkansas.

On the day of your session, you will come to your appointment with a list of questions that you want answered by your High Self. Most people make two lists; one of health/ body questions and another of life/personal questions. Holly will explain this bigger part of you that is sometimes called the High Self, Higher Consciousness, Subconscious, Universal Mind or Over-Soul, and Holly will guide you to make a connection with it and or your guides.

You & Holly will spend some time getting to know each other and your reasons for wanting this experience. You’ll then deep dive together your list of questions and discuss your life’s journey. Once you start the hypnosis process you’ll be under for two hours or a little longer. This part of the session is recorded for you, as people tend to remember varying amounts of their sessions.

While in this deep state of relaxation, you will be guided by Holly through 1-3 past lives or other experiences your soul has had. Depending on your life’s current progression, sometimes the soul connects you immediately to your higher self or over-soul for healing and answers to your questions. Everyone’s journey is unique.

If you don’t believe in past lives or are unsure, it's okay to simply call these experiences a story. Either way, your Higher- Self is lovingly taking you to the place where your questions and issues began. If you know where something began and why, then you can understand, heal, and move on in a better way!

Once your soul has shared with you what is pertinent for you to know at this time, Holly gently accesses your Higher Self to answer your list of questions and to scan your body to heal and repair issues that are known and sometimes unknown. We more commonly know this Higher Self aspect of us as our intuition or gut feeling. And it does speak through us but rarely is acknowledged. We all have those moments of clarity where the most perfect words spill through and make perfect sense. Allowing the stream of consciousness called your Higher Self to use the gift of your voice is a profound and beautiful experience.

To bring you back to your everyday awareness, Holly will gently count you up and will discuss with you what occurred and what you remember. You’ll go over the answers you gave to your questions and cover the next steps to allow integration of the information you received.

By the end of a session, one thing is for sure. You will not be the same person full of questions that you were at the beginning of the session. Receiving information from your Higher Self, there is no doubt about the information received, It’s coming from you!

It’s common for clients to come out of hypnosis with a look of awe and wonder of now knowing the answers to all their questions and to have healing of their body.

That is the beauty of past life regression. You are gently guided into a very deep state of hypnosis (theta) where you have access to that bigger part of you that knows all the answers! This is a multi-dimensional experience and once having it you should have a clear understanding of how to maintain this connection to your Higher Self in your quiet time, meditation, or theta state.